The ICIP and the Programme for the Study of Violence of the CIDE (Center for Economic Research and Teaching of Mexico) organise the book presentation Rivalidad y venganza. La política de la violencia en las guerras civiles by Laia Balcells, a political scientist and currently a professor at Georgetown University (USA). The title is part of the “Peace and Security” collection, one of the five collections of books published by ICIP.

The presentation will be online and will take place on Friday, May 28 at 6:00 pm (CET) / 11:00 am (Mexico). It will feature Laia Balcells, author of the book; Kristian Herbolzheimer, ICIP’s Executive Director; and Lucía Tiscornia and Sandra Ley, CIDE teachers.

Prior registration is required to follow the event:

Rivalidad y venganza (Rivalry and Revenge) analyzes the factors that explain the violence perpetrated against civilians in situations of armed conflict based on a theory and methodology applicable to different case studies.

About the author

Laia Balcells Ventura holds a PhD from Yale University (2010) and is a Full Professor of Political Science at Georgetown University. She has been a professor at Duke University, a Niehaus researcher at Princeton University and a Professor of Excellence at Carlos III University in Madrid. Her research explores the causes and consequences of political violence and civil wars, the dynamics of violence during armed conflict, nationalism, and ethnic conflict. She has published numerous articles in journals indexed and received several awards and research grants.
