Between October 28th and November 4th, an international mission for the verification of the Colombia peace treaty has travelled to the Latin-American country to check first-hand the progress and difficulties, observed throughout the country during the implementation of the peace accords which were approved one year ago.
The expedition, organised by the Mundubat Foundation, the Peace Brigades International and the International Office for Human Rights Action in Colombia (Oidhaco), was composed by ten members of different institutions and bodies, among them ICIP president Xavier Masllorens. The task force has been visiting the cities of Bogota, Tumaco, Buenaventura, Quibdó and the Urabá communities, to meet with human rights platforms, women’s organisations, Colombian authorities, groups of ex-FARC fighters and representatives of organisations, originating from the peace accord.
According to the preliminary report, the mission has been able to verify that peace has not yet spread to all corners of the territory. Some areas which were abandoned by the FARC have since been occupied by other paramilitary agents, the National Liberation Army or organised crime. The communities complain about the threats, received by human rights defenders and community leaders, the increase of violence and killings, the forced recruitments and sexual violence. Fear is still a constant factor in some areas, with an obvious need for more presence and actions on behalf of the authorities, in particular the civil ones.
On the other hand, violence as consequence of the armed conflict has decreased, and the mission acknowledges that FARC’s commitment with peace remains intact, despite the difficult collective reintegration of its members.
After completing the field work, the international verification mission calls out, especially towards the State of Colombia, for the acceleration of the peace accord application and compliance with all commitments. The observers highlight the need to work towards a stable peace process, using peacebuilding mechanisms which help the programs spread to all corners of the entire country, in order to progress in the effective transformation towards lasting and stable peace.
