The ICIP Governing Board approved the document “Work focus for the 2022 ICIP. Peacebuilding and the development of coexistence” which fixes the overall framework of action the institution will follow during the next four years. The document is based on numerous contributions, collected over the last months by various actors, from a wide range of degrees of reflection. Internal reflections at the heart of ICIP’s Governing Board and working team, and inquiries of an external nature with representatives of all parliamentary groups, private persons from the academic world, organisations from civil society and international institutions, such as SIPRI and the Flemish Peace Institute.
The work document fixes, as general action criteria, the creation of four main transversal programs, which need to include research; transfer of knowledge, training and public outreach; opinion forming; and support for concrete peace actions. These programs are:
– Program 1: Peacebuilding and the development of coexistence after violence has ended.
– Program 2: Violence outside armed conflicts.
– Program 3: Peace and security in public policies.
– Program 4: Companies, conflicts and human rights.
Based on the development of these programs, ICIP wants the different themes to be addressed from an implicit perspective of nonviolence and human safety, empowerment of victims, gender position and special attention for minorities and diversity. As such, ICIP’s actions will revolve around a concept of peacebuilding and the development of coexistence in a positive and prepositive way: a peace which is based on social justice, enforcement of human rights and preservation of individual and collective liberties, and which addresses direct violence as well as structural and cultural violence.
