ICIP has publicly announced the second edition of its Hip-hop for Peace Contest, once again with the objective of giving more visibility to the commitment and creativity of young people in the context of the culture of peace. As stated in the regulations and the announcement, the contest contains two categories. In the first one, students of the Catalan compulsory secondary education, vocational education or high school level can sign up; in the second category, boys and girls between 12 and 25 years, linked to youth, cultural, civic or socio-educational centres and organisations can register. In both cases, to sign up for the contest, a group needs to consist of minimum three people.
In order to participate, it is necessary to compose a hip-hop piece with original lyrics and record a video of its performance, with a maximum duration of 4 minutes. The text of the songs needs to be linked with the celebration of differences; coexistence in urban or school environments; criticism on violence; denouncing human rights violations; solidarity with people, trapped in or running away from armed conflicts; or the role of young people in peacebuilding.
Registration is open until 30th January 2018, which falls together with the School Day for Nonviolence and Peace (DENIP, Dia Escolar de la Noviolència i la Pau). People interested in participating can complete the following form and deliver the documentation and work presented to the ICIP offices (carrer Tapineria 10, 08002, Barcelona).
The prizes consist of a master class, given by a professional hip-hop artist, as well as the recording of the winning piece in a professional studio. In the first edition of the contest (watch the summary video), where 24 works were presented, the master class was given by the workshop facilitator and activist Pau Llonch, while the recording of one of the winning clips was done in the Conga Music studio in Sabadell.
In this new edition, the contest also counts with the support of the Department of Education and the Directorate General for Youth Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
