The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, for his efforts to reach a peace agreement with the FARC guerrillas that will bring to an end more than fifty years of armed conflict.
The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) welcomes the decision of the Nobel Committee to recognize the work of the Colombian president for the sake of peace, an award that also aims to encourage all the actors in Colombia to continue working for peace, after the rejection of the peace accords in the October 2 referendum.
So we at ICIP hope that this recognition will help relaunch peace negotiations and lead to an agreement that satisfies the majority of Colombians.
It should also be pointed out that the peace agreement in Colombia is the result of four years of negotiations in Havana between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas. Therefore both actors, as well as numerous Colombian civil society organizations, have been crucial to achieving a peaceful solution after decades of armed violence.
