The Catalan Minister for Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency, Mr. Raul Romeva, visited ICIP premises, located at 10 Tapineria Street in Barcelona, last Wednesday February 10th. He was accompanied by the General Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Aleix Villatoro, and the General Director of International Relations and Relations with the Parliament, Mrs. Carme García. They visited ICIP Headquarters and Library, which contains over 7.000 volumes of specialized works on the Institute’s fields of study.
Afterwards, the Minister held a private meeting with ICIP President and Director, Mr. Rafael Grasa and Mrs. Tica Font respectively, to be presented the projects in which the Institute is working, such as the research projects on new concepts of Human Security and Conflict Transformation, or the peacebuilding tasks that the Institute is currently developing in Colombia, through collaboration agreements with different Colombian institutions, in the framework of the Peace Negotiations in La Havana.
