ICIP and Museo Casa de la Memoria in Medellín, Colombia, are developing a project, with the support of the City of Barcelona, to share relevant experiences of peacebuilding between actors in conflicts, victims and civil society. This project will take place in Barcelona and Medellín in 2016. The project includes various collaborative activities between the two institutions, most notably, dissemination in Medellín of the initiative “Rutas de paz” of coexistence and reconciliation between young people in the Basque Country or the experiences of the restorative encounters between ex-members and victims of ETA. Also worth mentioning, in this case in Barcelona, is the dissemination of the initiative “Memorias para la reconciliación” about the reintegration of ex-combatants of the Colombian conflict into civilian life.
As part of the project, an ICIP team headed by director Tica Font traveled to Medellín in January to learn first-hand about the pedagogical and museum plan implemented by Museo Casa de la Memoria.
The project is part of the collaboration agreementbetween ICIP and the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, in force since 2013, which allows both institutions to work together in the field of peacebuilding.
