In June 2012, a group of victims of ETA, GAL, BVE and the Spanish Security Forces of several different periods of time, who had been secretly meeting for 5 years, presented itself publicly on a press conference. The Glencree Experience had been born in 2007 as a project oriented to explore the possibilities of constructive dialogue among victims from the two communities.
Ondas en el agua narrates the process through which these people mutually recognized each other as victims, and their work together to achieve a shared version of their experiences, a positive and constructive message for the Basque society.
The authors
The authors of Ondas en el agua are the members of the team of mediators of the Glencree Experience. Carlos Martin Beristain is a doctor with a great experience working with victims of violent conflicts from several South American and African countries. Galo Bilbao is professor of Ethics at the Deusto University and has specialized on theoretical reflection on victims of violent conflicts and political violence. Julian Ibáñez is a well-recognized and experienced psychologist.
