The perception of peace varies greatly depending on the historical moment, the sociopolitical context, culture, religion and life experience. The Peace Capsules project is a co-production of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Contrast Collective, in collaboration with Digital Dosis, which aims to show this diversity of visions and expectations that are projected on the word “peace”.
People from around the world respond to the question What is peace to you? in relation to their experience living in countries in conflict or with their commitment against war and to building peace.
Each one of these reflections, edited in video with subtitles in Catalan, Spanish and English, are called capsules, and they are compiled on the website The different capsules are sorted by name, date and country of origin. Among those who participated in the project and explained their vision of peace, we find peace researchers, activists and people who have directly experienced conflict.
12 new capsules
The project first saw the light of day in September 2014, with the publication of 52 capsules and various educational materials to work on peace culture in schools. Now, a year later and coinciding with the International Day of Peace (September 21), ICIP has published twelve new capsules of activists from around the world. Committed people and people working for peace from Chechnya, Israel, Palestine, Kurdistan, Japan, Guatemala, Costa Rica or the Democratic Republic of the Congo reflect on what living in peace means to them.
With the publication of these twelve new capsules, the website has a total of 64 videos with the reflections of people from 32 different countries.
The diversity of the roles of the protagonists and their origin allows for the building of a global vision of peace. Peace as a synonym of social justice, equal opportunities, the absence of direct and indirect violence, the struggle for the recognition of human rights, but also peace understood as harmony, as inner peace.
