The current general director of Development Cooperation of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Marta Macias i Quesada, has been appointed by the Catalan Government as a new member of ICIP’s Governing Board in replacement of Carles Llorens i Vila.
Marta Macias holds a law degree from the University of Barcelona and a master’s degree in Business Law from Pompeu Fabra University. In the field of cooperation, she has specialized in gender equality and education for development.
The ICIP Governing Board currently consists of eight members, three of which are appointed by the Catalan Government while the rest are chosen by Parliament. The second renovation phase of members chosen by Parliament is scheduled to take place in 2015, and will affect Rafael Grasa, Àngels Mataró, Mònica Sabata and Josep Maria Terricabras. The first partial renovation phase of the Board took place in 2013.
