The Department of Governance and Institutional Relations has launched a biennial grant call (2014-2015) with the aim of supporting projects of recovery and promotion of democratic memory, and of the promotion of peace and human rights in Catalonia, with a budget allocation of 200,000 euros. For the first time, the application for this call for proposals can be submitted using the Generalitat’s Virtual Procedures Office.
Public policies in the fields of democratic memory, peace and human rights aim to contribute to the involvement of organized civil society in the improvement of the quality of democracy in our country. The aim of this call for proposals is to offer support to the entities and foundations that work in these fields in order to elaborate projects in the areas of awareness, dissemination and research.
Proposals are requested that address the following thematic lines:
1) Projects of recovery and promotion of democratic memory: preferably, projects gathering testimonies of Republican exile and deportation, and of the postwar era in Catalonia, as well as projects of documentation and geolocation of mass graves and sites of repression during the Civil War and the postwar period in Catalonia.
2) Projects that disseminate and raise awareness of human rights: preferably, those focusing on the situation of human rights in the present socioeconomic context of Catalonia, and proposing new lines of action.
3) Projects that disseminate and raise awareness in the field of peace culture: preferably, cross-cutting projects with a transgenerational effect.
The actions eligible for support must be carried out between September 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015.
Interested entities and foundations have 20 calendar days to submit their applications counted from the day after the publication of the Order in the DOGC. They can do so through the Virtual Procedures Office (OVT) website, the website of the Sub-Directorate General of Memory, Peace and Human Rights, or the records of the Department of Governance and Institutional Relations, without prejudice to Article 25 of Law 26/2010, of August 3, of the legal regime of Catalan public administrations, and of Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the legal regime of public administrations and of common administrative procedure.
Click on this link for more information.
