On Wednesday, November 6, the Plenary Assembly of the Parliament of Catalonia approved the partial renewal of the ICIP Board of Governors, in compliance with Law 14/2007 regarding the creation of the Institute, and in accordance with Law 11/2011 regarding the restructuring of the public sector.
On the motion of the groups of CiU, ERC and the PSC, the plenary assembly approved the appointment of three new members, with 101 votes in favor, 3 against and 30 abstentions. The new members are Magda Oranich, lawyer; Alfons Banda, member of the Board of FundiPau (Foundation for Peace); and Antoni Pigrau, Professor of International Public Law at Rovira i Virgili University. In fact, Banda and Pigrau were reelected to a second term, since they were already members of the Board of Governors.
Thus Parliament elected three of the six candidates proposed by the Consell Català de Foment de la Pau (Catalan Council for the Promotion of Peace); the other three candidates were José Luis Gordillo, Cécile Barbeito and Neus Sotomayor.
The ICIP Board of Governors is now composed of seven members elected by Parliament (Alfons Banda, Àngels Mataró, Magda Oranich, Antoni Pigrau, Rafael Grasa, Mònica Sabata and Josep Maria Terricabras) and three members designated by the Government of the Generalitat (Miquel Puig, Carles Llorens and Eulàlia Pascual). Arcadi Oliveres and Vicenç Fisas are no longer members of the Board.
The renewal of the second part of the Board of Governors is scheduled to take place in 2014.
