On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21st, ICIP has published, as every year, an institutional declaration (in catalan), a text that establishes the priorities of the Institute for the following months. Entitled ‘Educating for peace, building peace’, this year’s declaration focuses on education as the only way to build peace: ‘Educating for and building peace are two inseparable elements. Both tasks mean working on the long term, generating empathy, modeling convictions of peace and democracy, interiorizing proceedings, and changing to a positive sense very deeply rooted cultural practices’.
With this declaration, ICIP commits to place education for peace at the center of its activities on this new year that is just starting by means of new publications, new seminars, and also by means of the research project on imagined sovereignties, in which ICIP is collaborating with the Norwegian research institute PRIO.
The declaration also places education for peace as a key element to overcome the differences between Spain and Catalonia: ‘It is necessary to make sure that a conflict is really ended, to be radical and to deal with its roots, so that all parts come out of it stronger. This will only be possible if there is a will to assure the future, which implies asking democratically to know the will of the Catalan society and accepting the result’.
