ICIP President, Rafael Grasa, travelled to Colombia last month of June to follow the evolution of the Peace process of the country and to explore new ways of collaboration with different universities and political and military institutions.
Grasa visited Bogotá, Cali and Medellin and met with representatives of the Commission of Peace of the Colombian Congress, members of local and regional governments, representatives of the Escuela Superior de Guerra (Superior School of War), of the Centro Nacional de Memoria (National Centre for Memory) and of the Direction of Attention to the Victims and Human Rights, among others. He also participated in a seminar on transitional justice mechanisms organized by the Universidad Javeriana; he read the conference ‘the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs of ex combatants in contexts of peace building’ at the Escuela de Guerra in Bogotá; and he also read the conference ‘Making and building peace. A vision from Europe and lessons from compared experiences’, in an event organized by the foundations Domopaz and Hanns Seidel, which also counted with the participation of members of the Commission of Peace of the Colombian Congress.
This trip fits within Focal Point 3 of the ICIP Strategic Plan, which sets as one of ICIP’s objectives the necessity of establishing and developing field missions in conflict zones or in areas under a peace consolidation or peacebuilding process.
