The book El islam politico en el Mediterráneo. Radiografía de una evolución (Political Islam in the Mediterranean. In-depth Analysis of an evolution), by Editor Ferran Izquierdo and published by CIDOB, analyses the major Islamist groups present in the Mediterranean region at a moment of radical change in the Arab politics as consequence of the popular revolts that sprung in 2011. Those revolts were the cause of the fall of the totalitarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and opened the transition processes in Syria and the constitutional changes process in Morocco.
The book is partly the result of two research projects which have been financed by ICIP: Factor religiós i conflictes violents al Nord d’Àfrica, Orient Mitjà i Turquia: Presència i visibilitat a Catalunya des d’una perspectiva comparada and Les revoltes àrabs. De la violència unilateral a la guerra: Participació i impacte de l’Islam polític, RI-ICIP 2011; both coordinated by Ferran Izquierdo, Professor of International Relations at the Universitat Autònoma.
The title is part of the CIDOB Book Collection ‘Interrogar la actualidad’ (Questioning Current Affairs).
