Last Saturday June 29th closed the official deadline to submit proposals for the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2013 which, again in this edition, aims to publicly recognize individuals, entities or institutions that, in an outstanding and extensive manner, have worked and contributed to the promotion and building of peace.
The ICIP Board of Governors is the organ in charge of evaluating the proposals submitted and granting the Award. The winner of the 2013 edition will be announced next September 21st, coinciding with the celebrations of the International Day of Peace.
The ICIP Peace in Progress Award consists of public recognition, a sculpture created by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, artist and activist, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, called Porta del sol, and 4,000 euros.
The former editions of the Award recognized the struggle of the conscientious objectors and insubmisos (people who refuse to do military service or any substitute social work) symbolized in Pepe Beunza, and the fight of the ‘Madres de Soacha’ for peace and human rights in Colombia.
