Reorient public policies

Reorient Public Security Policies Security policies based on zero-sum logic (“if you lose, I win”) proliferate worldwide. These security models focus on identifying enemies and threats and aim for immediate confrontation and deterrence, but not cooperation and the profound transformation of violent relationships, both interpersonal and community. Thus, security is prioritized at the local level […]

Redefine security

Redefine Security Security is one of the most discussed socio-political notions in the contemporary world. However, discourses on security have traditionally been linked to physical protection – in its personal dimension – and to the state’s integrity – in its political dimension. This classic idea has assumed that talking about security is mainly equivalent to […]

Promote a feminist security

Promote a feminist security Feminism has made many contributions to articulate a security model based on the promotion of peace, that is, on the promotion of a dignified life for everyone and on the eradication of all forms of inequality and violence, both on a local and global scale. From this feminist point of view, […]

Analyze punitiveness

Analyze Punitiveness The culture of punishment has materialized in many forms and intensities throughout history. Still, to this day, it remains the predominant culture. Punitiveness is the majority trend and shapes our personal relationships and public policy models, especially in the field of security and justice. It is an ideology based on dominance, competition, revenge, […]

Complementary Activities – Security

Complementary Activities Throughout the year, ICIP organizes face-to-face and virtual reflection activities, such as social gatherings and analysis sessions, mainly aimed at a specialized audience. These activities allow for a deeper understanding of the issues raised. Peace, security and feminisms: current challenges As part of the Center Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau’s annual conference dedicated […]

Alternatives to security

Alternatives for Security The prevailing security model has proven limited in guaranteeing a peaceful society and in offering a comprehensive response to violence because its deployment is fundamentally state-centred and belligerent and does not focus on the people’s needs. As a result, in recent decades, alternative knowledge and projects have been generated that open up […]

Dialogue promotion initiatives

Dialogue Promotion Initiatives Dialogue is the art of finding the truth in others’ thoughts. Based on this premise, the ICIP organizes dialogue promotion initiatives to promote conversation and listening between people with distant, even opposing, positions. These cycles bring together influential people in different areas of society and of diverse opinions: young people with positions […]

Last update: 02/08/2024