Complementary Activities

Throughout the year, ICIP organizes face-to-face and virtual reflection activities, such as social gatherings and analysis sessions, mainly aimed at a specialized audience. These activities allow for a deeper understanding of the issues raised.

Peace, security and feminisms: current challenges

As part of the Center Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau’s annual conference dedicated to feminist security, ICIP and the pacifist organization organized a meeting with Laura Sjoberg, a professor of politics and international relations at Royal Holloway (University of London), on October 24, 2023.

The meeting consisted of exchanging experiences and a workshop to analyze concrete proposals for action. Issues such as the progress made in introducing the feminist perspective on peace and security and how to deal with the pending challenges were discussed.

Participants also reflected on how the global policy of peace and security is intertwined with local dynamics and how to move towards discussing the intersectionality of oppressions.

Woman. Life. Freedom

On November 3, 2022, ICIP and CIDOB organized an analysis session with the participation of the Iranian political scientist Anahita Nassir and the professor of Contemporary History of the UB Antoni Segura to analyze the Iranian context, following the mass protests and repression unleashed by the death in police custody of young Mahsa Amini.

Colombia Feminisms, peace and security: a pending agenda?

On January 31, 2021, ICIP Library hosted a talk with Luz Piedad Caicedo, anthropologist and deputy director of Corporación Humanas Colombia, to discuss how the feminist approach is being implemented in the Peace Accords of Havana and how the UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security is developing in Colombia.

ICIP organized the gathering with the Taula Catalana per la Pau i els Drets Humans a Colòmbia (Catalan Table for Peace and Human Rights in Colombia), PBI Colombia and the Catalonia node of the work project of the Truth Commission of Colombia in exile. The event also had the collaboration of the Catalan Development Cooperation Agency.

Rethinking security from everyday life

On March 12, 2020, ICIP organized a gathering with Rosa Emilia Salamanca from the Ciase organization in Colombia and Nora Miralles, an ICIP collaborator and researcher at the Center Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau and the Observatory of Human Rights and Companies of the Mediterranean.

The speakers reflected on the alternatives to the state’s vision of security and what proposals feminism makes to contribute to a new way of politics.

Last update: 07/08/2024