Conflict in the Middle East

Opinion Articles

Can Palestinians imagine a future with Israelis after this war?, by Mahmoud Mushtaha en +972 Magazine (May 27, 2024)

Can We Build a Shared Homeland for Israelis And Palestinians?, by Jon Wiener a The Nation (April 29, 2024)

A segregation system that obliterates your existence in Jerusalem with almost a welcoming smile, by Nadia Harhash at ICIP Opinion (April 10, 2024)

Israel’s historical roots and the moral decline of the West, by Francis Ghilès at CIDOB Opinion (January 31, 2024)

ICJ Ruling: A stepping stone to enduring peace and justice in Gaza, by Ashok Swain at Gulf News (January 30, 2024)

On Gaza and a decade of digital peacebuilding by Helena Puig Larrauri (November 23, 2023)

The Palestinian Quest for Significance and Hamas Violence by Arie W. Kruglanski at Psychology Today (November 15, 2023)

Voices from Gaza at B’Tselem (November 14, 2023)

How October 7 has changed us all — and what it signals for our struggle – by Haggai Matar at +972 Magazine (November 11, 2023)

Do not use our pain to bring death’: plea to Israel from peace activists’ grieving families by Emma Graham-Harrison and Quique Kierszenbaum at The Guardian (October 19, 2023)

Let Women Handle the Israel-Hamas War, by Nirit Anderman at Haaretz (October 22, 2023)

A human catastrophe is unfolding in real time in the Middle East, by Jeremy Corbyn at Morning Star (October 21, 2023)

The Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza by Isaac Chotiner at The New Yorker (October 15, 2023)

The compass of mourning, by Judith Butler at London Review of Books (October 14, 2023)

Política de la rabia en Gaza, by Jordi Calvo at Público (October 14, 2023)

Voices of victims, by Daniel Adamson, BBC researcher (October, 13, 2023)

A Textbook Case of Genocide, by Raz Segal at Jewish Currents (October 13, 2023)

Why BBC doesn’t call Hamas militants ‘terrorists’, by John Simpson at the BBC (October 12, 2023)

Sortir de l’enfer, by Mona Chollet at La méridienne (October 11, 2023)

In Gaza and Israel, side with the child over the gun, by Naomi Klein at The Guardian (October 11, 2023)

Y después de condenar, ¿qué?, by Santiago Alba at Público (October 10, 2023)

Israel and Palestine: When Everyone Loses, by Kristian Herbolzheimer in Catalunya Plural (October 8, 2023)

Last update: 30/05/2024