Another thesis examination resulting from an F-ICIP grant

On Friday, November 28, student Rita Villà Taberner, a recipient of a pre-doctoral F-ICIP grant, defended the thesis “School-based Conflict, Discrimination and Mediation: Representations, experiences and participation of immigrant-origin school body in high schools.” The thesis was directed by Silvia Carrasco and the defense took place at the Graduation Hall of the School of Economics of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Villà earned a summa cum laude distinction and the results of her research will soon be published in the ICIP Working Papers collection.
On November 4, another recipient of an F-ICIP grant also successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Alessandro Demurtas earned the same summa cum laude distinction, in this case for his dissertation entitled “The European regional security complex between 2001 and 2011 regarding Islamist terrorist threats and weapons of mass destruction.” This thesis, directed by professors Rafael Grasa and Laura Feliu, will also be published in the ICIP Working Papers collection.
The F-ICIP grants, managed by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), are intended for the hiring of novice research personnel by universities and research centers, with the aim of promoting research in the field of peace and conflict resolution.

What is Peace to Francisco Javier Cortés?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’, coproduced by ICIP and Col•lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Francisco Javier Cortés? ‘ and in which Cortés, Secretary-General of the Unified Organisation of the Awá Indigenous Nationndigenous peoples, considers what peace means to him. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP web site.

What is Peace to Assad Chaftari?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’ , coproduced by ICIP and Col·lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Assad Chaftari?’, and in which Chaftari, from Initiatives for Change in Lebanon, considers what peace means to him. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP website.

Grants for democratic memory projects and the promotion of peace and human rights

The Department of Governance and Institutional Relations has launched a biennial grant call (2014-2015) with the aim of supporting projects of recovery and promotion of democratic memory, and of the promotion of peace and human rights in Catalonia, with a budget allocation of 200,000 euros. For the first time, the application for this call for proposals can be submitted using the Generalitat’s Virtual Procedures Office.
Public policies in the fields of democratic memory, peace and human rights aim to contribute to the involvement of organized civil society in the improvement of the quality of democracy in our country. The aim of this call for proposals is to offer support to the entities and foundations that work in these fields in order to elaborate projects in the areas of awareness, dissemination and research.
Proposals are requested that address the following thematic lines:
1) Projects of recovery and promotion of democratic memory: preferably, projects gathering testimonies of Republican exile and deportation, and of the postwar era in Catalonia, as well as projects of documentation and geolocation of mass graves and sites of repression during the Civil War and the postwar period in Catalonia.
2) Projects that disseminate and raise awareness of human rights: preferably, those focusing on the situation of human rights in the present socioeconomic context of Catalonia, and proposing new lines of action.
3) Projects that disseminate and raise awareness in the field of peace culture: preferably, cross-cutting projects with a transgenerational effect.
The actions eligible for support must be carried out between September 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015.
Interested entities and foundations have 20 calendar days to submit their applications counted from the day after the publication of the Order in the DOGC. They can do so through the Virtual Procedures Office (OVT) website, the website of the Sub-Directorate General of Memory, Peace and Human Rights, or the records of the Department of Governance and Institutional Relations, without prejudice to Article 25 of Law 26/2010, of August 3, of the legal regime of Catalan public administrations, and of Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the legal regime of public administrations and of common administrative procedure.
Click on this link for more information.

‘Cum Laude’ for a student recipient of F-ICIP aid

Alessandro Demurtas, a recipient of a pre-doctoral F-ICIP grant, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the Department of Public Law and Historical Legal Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona on November 4. Demurtas was awarded a summa cum laude for his dissertation, directed by Rafael Grasa and Laura Feliu, entitled ‘The European Regional Security Complex Between 2001 and 2011 Regarding Islamist Terrorist Threats and Weapons of Mass Destruction’. The results of this research will soon be published in the ICIP Working Papers collection.
The F-ICIP grants, managed by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), are intended for the hiring of novice research personnel by universities and research centers, with the aim of promoting research in the field of peace and conflict resolution.

New ICIP library acquisitions

The ICIP Library collection will increase this month with the arrival of many new publications. A compilation of the most important new titles, most of which are available for loan, can be found in this document.
Library opening hours will change during the summer months. From July 1 to July 25, the center will be open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. The library will be closed from July 26 to August 31.
The ICIP Library, located at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 658, baixos, in Barcelona, is a center specializing in peace culture, security and conflicts that aims to enable and encourage research in these areas. The Library offers support to ICIP and to its researchers and experts in the field of peace studies. It is part of the network of specialized libraries of the Generalitat and is in permanent contact with similar institutions and centers from around the world.

What is Peace to John Paul Lederach?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’, coproduced by ICIP and Col•lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to John Paul Lederach?’ and in which Lederach, Professor of International Peacebuilding at the University of Notre Dame (USA), considers what peace means to him. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP web site.

Upcoming Peace Capsules

Four new peace capsules have been revealed today by The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP). In these one-minute videos, Nieves Gómez, member of the team of Communitarian Studies and Psychosocial Action (Guatemala), M. Assad, from the Syrian-Catalan Free Association, Juan Jerónimo, communitarian chief of Plan de Sánchez (Guatemala), and Gersain Cuetia, from the Association of Indigenous Cabildos of Northern Cauca, answer the question: “What does peace mean to you?”
The audiovisual project Peace Capsules is a coproduction of ICIP and the journalist group Contrast, and it aims at offering a view of the diversity of visions and expectations projected on the word Peace. People from different backgrounds and countries speak out their answer to the question: What is peace to you? According to their own experience living in a country under a conflict situation or to their commitment against war and in favor of peace.

What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’ , coproduced by ICIP and Col·lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?’ and in which Ghulam, afghan writer, considers what peace means to her. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP web site.

What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’ , coproduced by ICIP and Col·lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?’ and in which Ghulam, afghan writer, considers what peace means to her. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP web site.

What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’ , coproduced by ICIP and Col·lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Nadia Ghulam?’ and in which Ghulam, afghan writer, considers what peace means to her. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP web site.

What is Peace to Maixabel Lasa?

A new video of the project ‘Peace Capsules’ , coproduced by ICIP and Col·lectiu Contrast, has been published this week on the ICIP website. It is a short one minute long video entitled ‘What is Peace to Maixabel Lasa?’ and in which Lasa, victim of ETA, considers what peace means to her. The video is accessible both on the ICIP website and on the ICIP Youtube Channel .
Until the 21st September 2014, International Day of Peace, ICIP will publish a new video capsule each week. Each capsule will count with the participation of an activist, actor or academic who will think of what peace means to him/her. The aim of the project is to compile different approximations to the concept ‘peace’ on the ICIP website.