The ICIP, the Catalan Youth Agency and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation are preparing for next October an international meeting of people and groups involved in projects for the culture of peace and transformative education through the different artistic expressions of hip hop. The initiative has the support of Versembrant, Heal Hop and Erol Urbà and is called Artèria Hip Hop.

This meeting will take place in Barcelona from October 5 to 8 and has the collaboration and participation of Catalan actors with experience in this field.

Among the objectives of this meeting is to generate a space for the exchange of experiences -local and international- of transformative education through hip-hop and to contribute good ideas to improve the educational practices of the participants and the public, in addition to demonstrating the culture hip-hop as a valid educational and transformative tool to face the challenges of education and promote values and practices associated with the culture of peace.

The meeting will combine internal activities designed for an international delegation of around thirty people and open activities with a global outlook intended for a specialized audience and young citizens in general.

Soon all the details of the meeting will be available on our website.
