The ICIP and the Colombian Truth Commission will present next Saturday, June 5, the documentary ‘Reescribiendo el exilio’ (Rewriting the Exile), a film that intersects the stories of the sons and daughters of Colombian exiles who live in different European countries and who, as a consequence of the Colombian armed conflict, grew up – or were born – in other territories and cultures.

The event, which includes the screening of the documentary and a subsequent dialogue, will begin at 17:00 CET / 10 AM (Colombia).

The documentary director, Monica Granda Restrepo, and several group members of second generations in exile will participate in the event. They will talk from their experiences and life stories about the past, present and future of the sons and daughters of those people who had to leave Colombia forcibly.

The event will be moderated by Silvia Plana, one of the people in charge of the Memory, Coexistence and Reconciliation work area of the ICIP.

Reescribiendo el exilio collects the testimonies of Nicolás, Karim, Alejandra and Andrea and shows images recorded at the meeting of second generations held in Bilbao in 2019. The documentary seeks to help the Colombian exile to come out of anonymity.

The documentary has been made possible thanks to the support of ICIP (International Catalan Institute for Peace),  the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation and the Colombian Truth Commission.

The event will be broadcast on the YouTube channel and the Facebook page of the Colombian Truth Commission.
