At the initiative of the Parliament of Catalonia, the ICIP, in collaboration with and the Catalan Council for the Promotion of Peace, is organizing the third edition of Parliament Peace Day to raise awareness in society about the importance of building a more just and peaceful future and debate specific initiatives that promote coexistence and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
In 2024, Africa had the highest number of conflicts. At the same time, the African continent and the African diaspora have accumulated countless experiences in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
The III Peace Day of the Parliament of Catalonia is dedicated to “African Perspectives on Peace: Policies and Practices” and will include voices from the African diaspora in Catalonia and entities and academics committed to peace in Africa and Catalonia. It is an opportunity to claim the value of African peacebuilding experiences in a turbulent world, both in terms of policies and practices, which will enrich the process of developing a Catalan public peace policy.
The conference will take place on Friday, January 31st, from 10 am to 1 pm. To attend, you must register using this form.
10.00 Doors open, and accreditations
10:30 Start of the III Peace Day of the Parliament of Catalonia
Presenting the conference: Maria Bouabdellah Shaimi
Raquel Sans Guerra, First Vice-President of the Parliament of Catalonia
Remei Sipi Mayo, Member of the Board of the International Catalan Institute for Peace
Arés Perceval Camps, Co-President of
Florence N. Mpaayei, Member of the Ad Hoc Team of Senior Advisors on Mediation, Gender and Inclusion of the United Nations
11:15 First panel. “African experiences of peacebuilding”
Sani Ladan, geopolitical analyst, expert in international relations and migration
Bombo Ndir, Afro-American activist and human rights defender
Jean-Bosco Botsho, president of AFRICAT – African and Catalan Cooperation Association
Presented and moderated by Ramia Chaoui Yacubi
12:00 Second panel. “Catalonia – Africa relations and peacebuilding opportunities”
Representatives of the parliamentary groups of the Parliament of Catalonia
Presented and moderated by Míriam Hatibi
12:50 Closing
Josep Rull i Andreu, president of the Parliament of Catalonia