The presentation of the book ‘Exilios y lejanías. Relatos de mujeres colombianas’ will take place on Monday, October 23, at 6 p.m. at the Born Center for Culture and Memory. The book has been written and illustrated by thirteen Colombian women who live far from Colombia. Specifically, they are women who live in Germany, Canada, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Norway and Sweden.

With the collaboration of the Internodal Gender Group on the Legacy of the Truth Commission, the book collects the stories of women who left the country due to the internal armed conflict. Their ages range from 23 to 65, and their ethnicities and identities are diverse. They have varied occupations: students, teachers, professionals from different disciplines, human rights defenders, artists and workers in organizations for international cooperation, peace, migration and refuge. All, without exception, are firmly committed to building peace and gender equity.

The event will have their presence to talk about their experiences, the uprooting, the loneliness, the changes and the traumas generated by being forced to leave the country, and at the same time about their daily lives, the love and their resistance to continue imagining and working together for a world at peace.

If you want to attend, you can do so by filling out the following form:
