On Thursday 29 September, ICIP and the Latin American Network for Inclusive and Sustainable Security (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, FES) organize a webinar to discuss alternatives to the predominant security model.  The event was conceived based on the publication of the book An alternative security framework, number 27 in the “Tools for peace, security and justice” ICIP book series, written by Olga Batallé, Teddy Baker and Francesc Teodoro.

Teodoro will be one of the participants in this event, which will also include Arlene Tickner, professor of International Relations, and Monica Hirst, PhD in Strategic Studies.

The event will focus on the theoretical approaches that have been developed in recent decades in a critical and constructive manner in relation to the predominant security model characterized by the superiority of power and material force. We will reflect on the points of intersection of these theories and on practical experiences from around the world, especially in Latin America, which represent an innovative approach to security.

An alternative security framework is part of the “Tools for peace, security and justice” book series, a set of books that aim to be a useful support for people who, with different levels of involvement, feel committed to working for peace.

The book, published by ICIP and Líniazero Edicions, has been published in paper, PDF and ePub following sustainability criteria.  It is available in three languages: English, Catalan and Spanish.

Participants in the event

Arlene B. Tickner is a full professor at the School of International, Political and Urban Studies at the University of Rosario, Argentina. Previously, she worked for more than two decades as a full professor at the University of the Andes, and was also a professor and researcher at the National University of Colombia.  In addition to her academic activities, she is a columnist for “El Espectador.”

Monica Hirst holds a PhD in International Strategic Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).  She is currently the coordinator of the Peace and Dialogue Group, New Society, of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. She is a professor of the Master’s in International Studies at Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires, and at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Her main areas of expertise are international development cooperation, Latin American regionalism, humanitarian action, global and regional politics and security, and Brazilian foreign policy.

Francesc X. Teodoro Alandete holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona and a master’s degree in research from the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI). He has collaborated with several NGOs and think tanks such as Caritas Spain in Palestine, NOVACT and CIDOB.

The event will be moderated by Mariano Aguirre, coordinator of the Inclusive and Sustainable Security Network, and Sandra Martínez, coordinator of the “Alternatives of Security” area at ICIP.

The webinar will take place at 6:00pm in Barcelona / 11:00am in Bogotá and will be conducted via Zoom.  You can use this link to register.
