May 24th is the International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament, a date meant to remind us of the violence that women suffer during armed conflicts and post conflict situations and, also, to vindicate their active participation in peace negotiations and the prevention of conflicts, and their activism.
Coinciding with this commemorative date, ICIP has elaborated a compendium of materials and publications produced by the Institute which tackle the topic “Women and Peace”. It includes different publications, exhibitions and audiovisuals, as well as the resources on the work of women for peace available at the ICIP Library, specialized in peace, security and conflicts.
a) Documents and Reports:
– Women, Peace and Security. 15 years of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Report by Maria Villellas (2016).
– Dones, Pau i Seguretat: 15 anys de la resolució 1325 de les Nacions Unides. Proceedings of the conference that took place in Barcelona in November of 2015 (in Catalan).
– The international agenda on women, peace and security: a review of the first 15 years of resolution 1325 and proposals for action in Catalonia. ICIP Policy Paper by Maria Fanlo, Sabina Puig and Elena Grau (2106).
– La verdad de las mujeres. Víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. Report coordinated by the “Ruta Pacífica de Mujeres Colombianas” with the collaboration of the ICIP. (2014). Published in Spanish.
– La memoria histórica, ¿activo transformador de la desigualdad de género? Análisis crítico del discurso del Centro de la Memória Histórica en Colombia a partir de una mirada de género e interseccionalidad. ICIP Working Paper by Marta Grau (2013). Published in Spanish.
– Historical memory in Colombia. Towards a public policy from a gender perspective. ICIP Policy Paper by Marta Grau (2013).
– De Madres de Soacha a sujetas políticas: capacidad de agencia ante la impunidad en Colombia. ICIP Working Paper by Rocío Mateo Medina (2013). Published in Spanish.
– Los crímenes de naturaleza sexual en el Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Report by Magdalena M. Martín and Isabel Lirola (2013).
– La participació de les dones en els processos de pau. Les altres taules. ICIP Working Paper by Maria Villellas (2010).
– Reflexiones sobre la categoría de víctima de violencia política con mirada de género. Report by Maria Truñó (2010). Published in Spanish.
b) Peace in Progress e-magazine
– Women, Peace and Security: 15 years of 1325 Resolution. Peace in Progress, number 25. November 2015.
– Pacifist feminism. Peace in Progress, number 22. February 2015.
– Women building peace. Peace in Progress, number 6. December 2010.
c) Books
– Las mujeres y las guerras. Carol Cohn (ed.). “Paz y Seguridad” collection, ICIP and Edicions Bellaterra (2015). Published in Spanish.
– Antimilitarisme. Dinàmiques polítiques i de gènere dels moviments per la pau, by Cynthia Cockburn. “Noviolència i lluita per la pau” collection, ICIP and Pagès editors (2014). Published in Catalan.
– Violencia sexual y conflictos armados, by Janie L. Leatherman. “Paz y Seguridad” collection, ICIP and Edicions Bellaterra (2013). Published in Spanish.
– Construir la paz: la experiencia y el papel de las mujeres en perspectiva internacional, by Elisabeth Porter. “Paz y Seguridad” collection, ICIP and Edicions Bellaterra (2012). Published in Spanish.
– Repensar en femení, by Agneta Söderberg Jacobson. “Eines de pau, seguretat i justícia” collection, ICIP and Icària Editorial (2010). Published in Catalan.
– Paraules descalces. Dones fent Pau, by Dani Lagartofernández. The exhibition can be complemented with the documentary Om Mohammad.
– Conference “Women, Peace and Security: 15 years of UNSCr 1325”.
– Dones construint la pau a Israel i Palestina (First Part). In Catalan.
– Dones construint la pau a Israel i Palestina (Second Part). In Catalan.
Continuing with the commitment to promote the work done by women for peace, ICIP also granted the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2012 to the Mothers of Soacha (Colombia) and the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2014 to WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom).
