ICIP has launched a creation process for a new art intervention to consolidate its line of street exhibitions. This project aims to commission the design of a new outreach tool that uses reflection, as well as art and creativity, to challenge the public and raise awareness about questions related to ICIP’s line of work.
Specifically, ICIP would like to receive ideas that revolve around these issues: the role of civil society in peacebuilding; examples of nonviolent struggle for social transformation; peacebuilding at the municipal level; actual experiences of peaceful coexistence; the role of young people in building peace. Exhibitions produced in recent years following this same line of action can be found on the ICIP website. They are productions which can easily be installed in the street, attract the attention of passersby, and can easily be moved from one municipality to another.
ICIP will study the ideas received over the coming weeks. he most highly regarded proposal should be developed over the coming months, upon the signing of a contract for the commission of the work between ICIP and the awardee.
Individuals, companies or organizations interested in submitting proposals should contact ICIP (spuig.icip@gencat.cat) for more information about requirements, timeline and budget allotted for this new project. The deadline for submitting proposals is Monday, May 2, 2016.
