Coinciding with the celebration of the School Day of Nonviolence and Peace on January 30, ICIP has published new educational resources that aim to work on the dissemination of peace in schools. They are three educational handbooks for three documentaries of the Televisió de Catalunya program’Latituds’, which were co-produced by ICIP.
The three handbooks that have been published are: Pacifist activism, which aims to be a tool to reflect upon the concepts of peace culture, defense culture or disobedience; Nonviolence, which seeks to enable students to understand and learn about nonviolence, as a philosophy of life and a tool to deal with conflicts; and Victims, truth and reconciliation, which aims to be of use to people interested in the role of victims and the possibility of reconciliation after an armed conflict.
In addition to these materials, ICIP has other educational resources, such as the materials to work with the project ‘Capsules of Peace’ in schools or the educational handbooks for the exhibitions Barefoot Words: Women Making Peace and Libya, Year Zero.
