ICIP Research
The ICIP Research collection includes the results of research activities on various topics, including armed conflict, human security, conflict resolution and transformation, international relations, international law, and peacebuilding. However, all of them had a prominent backbone: the search for peace and non-violence.
The collection aims to disseminate and offer texts that can help reflection and training. The publications are primarily aimed at academics and people working on peace issues. The texts are published in any of the languages of the collection: Catalan, English, Spanish or French.
The institutionalisation of initiatives to promote business respect for human rights
ICIP Research 7
La seguridad en el siglo XXI, desde lo global a lo local
ICIP Research 6
Los retos de gestión de las violencias directas no políticas y la construcción de la paz
ICIP Research 5
El arma de moda: impacto del uso de los drones en las Relaciones Internacionales y el Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo
ICIP Research 4
Conditions pour la consolidation de la paix en Côte d’Ivoire
ICIP Research 3
Building a regional framework in Central Asia between cooperation and conflict
ICIP Research 2
Companies in conflict situations. Building a Research Network on Business, Conflicts and Human Rights
ICIP Research 1