The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize to Pakistani girl MalalaYousafzai and Indian activist Kailash Satyarthi for their struggle for the right of all children to education. The Swedish Academy notes that access to education is a requirement for peace, and highlights both the “courage” of Kailash Satyarthi, promoter of the Global March Against Child Labor, and the “heroic struggle” of MalalaYousafzai, despite her young age and the dangerous circumstances she has had to face.
The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) applauds the joint award and considers that it is well-deserved since both award winners lead social struggles in favor of human rights, such as the right of all boys and girls to education and the struggle against child labor.
ICIP is pleased that, with this award, the Swedish Academy has taken into consideration the Gandhian tradition of disobedience and social denunciation and has wanted to send a message of fraternity between nations, since both award winners hail from countries such as India and Pakistan, with longstanding unresolved conflicts. It also considers that the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize brings prestige back to an award that has often been controversial.
