Llibertat sense por i altres escrits is the translation of the classic Freedom from Fear of the Peace Noble Prize Aung San Suu Kyi, and has been co-published by ICIP and Angle Editorial within the ICIP book collection ‘Classics of Peace and Nonviolence’.
The book compiles the most forceful speeches, moving correspondence, direct interviews and thoughtful texts of Suu Kyi, symbol of the opposition to the Burmese military rule despite being under home confinement for nearly 20 years. The texts reflect her commitment to and nonviolent fight for freedom, dignity, democracy and human rights.
Llibertat sense por i altres escrits includes a prologue by Maria Lluïsa Panelas as well as the prologues of Václav Havel, to the first edition of the book, and Desmond Tutu, to its second edition.
The author
Aung San Suu Kyi (Burma 1945) is an emblematic symbol of the Burmese opposition to the fifty-year-long military rule (1962-2011). Her nonviolent fight for democracy has granted her several prizes such as The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought (1990), the Nobel Peace Prize (1991), the Solidaritat Prize (1994), the Olof Palme (2005) and the Internacional de Catalunya Award (2008), among others.
The collection
The collection ‘Classics of Peace and Nonviolence’ wishes to continue in the spirit of the fundamental works it includes and to make a contribution to the progressive growth of a culture of peace and the corresponding eradication of sociopolitical violence today. Other titles within the collection are El valor humà de la pau i altres textos inèdits , by Lluis Maria Xirinacs; Sobre la violència (On Violence), by Hannah Arendt; or Tres Guinees (Three Guineas), by Virginia Woolf.
