ICIP has published a new issue of the bulletin “La Voz de Colombia”, which contains updated information on the work that is being carried out in Europe by the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia. The objective of this tool is to connect all the nodes, organizations and people who work on the Colombian peace process from Europe and to provide a hub for the central exchange of all the news and progress related to their work.
The third edition of the bulletin highlighted the organization by the Commission of the first meetings of Colombian exiles in Europe, which took place in Bilbao from 6-9 July. The publication also includes the latest activities of European nodes in countries such as Italy, Germany, France or Switzerland, as well as other resources of interest.
If you are interested in receiving the bulletin, send an email requesting a subscription to comunicacio.icip@gencat.cat with your name, surname and your personal email address.
