Over the past few months, with the aim of tracing the history of the peace movement in Catalonia and safeguarding its collection of documents, ICIP has been carrying out an oral history project of the collective action for peace based on the recording of interviews with its protagonists.
During the first months of 2017, activists Gabriela Serra and Arcadi Oliveres, philosopher and professor Fèlix Martí, artist and politician Jaume Rodri, and the former secretary of Justícia i Pau, Paquita Conejero, shared their testimonies.
In May and June the series will expand with interviews with the founder and former director of the School of Culture of Peace, Vicenç Fisas, politician Àngel Colom, activist Martí Olivella and the episcopal delegate for Justícia i Pau, Josep Maria Fisa.
This oral history project is being implemented with the collaboration of the Metromuster production company. The interviews are being conducted by Xavier Garí, a specialist in the political and social history of the Peace Movement in Catalonia, and they will be released on video in the course of this year for the use of researchers and historians.
