The European Union and peacebuilding

The ICIP, together with the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) and the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), organizes a round table to discuss the European Union’s peacebuilding policies and practices and learn to promote them from NGOs. The table “The European Union and the peacebuilding” is addressed to representatives of NGOs based in Spain to […]

The demand for a life of dignity in Iran

The death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian woman detained by the morality police for not wearing her veil properly, has sparked a wave of mass protests in Iran. Even though resistance to the imposition of the veil is an important element of the demonstrations, their magnitude is an indication of deep […]

Women in the diaspora with a voice of their own

“A river is crying A river that once sang is weeping It carries death it carries oblivion; who will listen I leave my loved ones behind I leave broken inside I leave, constantly feeling that my strength will grow That my strength will grow as the river grows.” Surcos de amor (Furrows of love), by […]

Sixth IBERO Conference on Peacebuilding with a Gender Perspective

Once again this year, ICIP will be participating in the Conference on Peacebuilding with a Gender Perspective, organized by the Ibero-American University of Mexico City (IBERO) and now in its sixth edition. The conference will be held from 7-18 November in a blended format and will address various topics related to peacebuilding with a feminist […]

An ICIP and Novact report documents 235 experiences of nonviolent resistance in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian civil society has spontaneously and courageously organized to counter the military occupation through hundreds of nonviolent actions, including civil disobedience, road blockades, civilian evacuation or communication campaigns.  The report Ukrainian Nonviolent Civil Resistance in the Face of War, prepared by Professor Felip Daza within the […]

The legacy of the Truth Commission of Colombia

On 28 June, the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia published its final report, which explains more than 60 years of armed conflict in the country.  Based on a process of analysis and investigation, the Commission has sought to clarify the patterns and causes of human rights violations during […]

ICIP and Mexican peace organizations convene an international peacebuilding forum in Chiapas

Insecurity, armed violence and territorial disputes are an alarming reality that affects the lives of millions of people in Mexico and has a serious effect on human rights.  Whether due to incompetence or collusion, the authorities – at different levels of government – are overwhelmed by this reality, which is characterized by the growing pressure […]