Women in the diaspora: The power of art in peacebuilding

The number of people who currently have to leave their country because of threats to their lives has no precedent since the Second World War. In the last decade there has been an increase in forced migration resulting from armed conflict, extreme violence, instability and political repression. The traumatizing effect of forced migration, resulting from armed conflict […]

Webinar: “An alternative security framework”

On Thursday 29 September, ICIP and the Latin American Network for Inclusive and Sustainable Security (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, FES) organize a webinar to discuss alternatives to the predominant security model.  The event was conceived based on the publication of the book An alternative security framework, number 27 in the “Tools for peace, security and justice” […]

The associative network of the Basque Country receives the ICIP Award for its discreet but essential work for peace

On Wednesday 21 September, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Peace, ICIP presented the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 to the Basque associative network in favor of peace.  The ceremony took place in the auditorium of the Parliament of Catalonia and featured the participation of representatives of the 17 award-winning organizations […]


Action networks ICIP is part of the following national and international action networks: 🔗European Peace Liason Office, EPLO The goal of this European platform of NGOs is to influence the public policies of the European Union for the construction of peace and the prevention of violent conflicts. Likewise, it is a space for cooperation and […]

Last update: 19/03/2024