Nonviolence in Ukraine

The strength of nonviolence in Ukraine Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian civil society has spontaneously and courageously organized to counter the military occupation through hundreds of nonviolent actions, including civil disobedience, road blockades, civilian evacuation or communication campaigns. The report Ukrainian Nonviolent Civil Resistance in the Face of War, prepared […]

Colombian Truth Commission

Technical Secretariat of the Truth Commission in Europe ICIP was the Technical Secretariat of the Colombian Truth Commission in Europe based on a collaboration agreement signed between both institutions, from 2019 until the end of the Commission’s mandate, in August 2022. For three years, the goal of the Technical Secretariat was to facilitate the participation […]

The ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 Ceremony

On Wednesday, 21 September, coinciding with the International Day of Peace commemoration, the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 ceremony will be held at the Parliament of Catalonia. In this edition, the award is for the Basque Country’s associative network in favour of peace. The ICIP 2022 Award highlights the set of peace initiatives of […]

Let’s talk about violence

As part of the Setmana del Llibre en Català (Catalan Book Week), the conference ‘Let’s talk about violence’ will take place on September 9, in which the book ‘Sobre la violència‘ by Hannah Arendt, published by ICIP and Angle Editorial, will be presented in the collection “Classics of Peace and Nonviolence“, together with ‘Matrioixques’, by […]

The challenges journalism faces to build peace in Mexico

In a context of extremely high levels of violence and impunity, the forum “Journalism and peacebuilding in Mexico: Protecting journalists, guaranteeing freedom of the press,” was held in Mexico City on 20-21 June.  This event provided an opportunity to debate and analyze the vulnerability of Mexican journalism and the challenges faced by the profession in […]

The Truth Commission of Colombia presents its final report to exiled victims in Catalonia

The final report of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia was presented at the Parliament of Catalonia on 12 July.   It was a very emotional event, featuring victims of the Colombian conflict living in exile in Catalonia and followed by nearly 250 attendees. The event, organized by ICIP in […]

The mandate of the Colombia Truth Commission concludes with a presentation of the final report

The Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia began its mandate in November 2018, intending to clarify the patterns and causes of human rights violations during the Colombian armed conflict, promoting the recognition of victims and contributing to coexistence. After more than three years of work, the Commission concludes this process […]