ICIP, the Barcelona City Council and Taula per Mèxic organize a forum on Journalism and Peacebuilding in Mexico

ICIP, the Barcelona City Council and Taula per Mèxic are preparing the forum “Journalism and Peacebuilding in Mexico: Protecting journalists, guaranteeing freedom of the press,” which will be held in Mexico City on 20-21 June. The event’s purpose is to reflect on the needs facing critical journalism in Mexico and create a meeting place for […]

ICIP and the Truth Commission prepare a documentary about the role of the Colombian diaspora in Europe

ICIP and the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia are preparing a documentary about the role of the diaspora of Colombian exiles in Europe.  The film, Para volverte a ver (To See You Again), is a production of Mandorla Films, an independent audiovisual company that specializes in documentaries.  The film […]

The ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 honours the Basque Country’s associative network in favour of peace

After evaluating the 23 valid candidacies received, the ICIP Board of Governors has decided to grant the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 to all the civil society peace initiatives of the Basque Country “for their contribution to the advancement of peace, the end of political violence and the creation of new frameworks of coexistence […]

‘Peace in Progress’ magazine launches a new design with an issue dedicated to violence in non-war settings

ICIP has presented a new monograph of the digital magazine Peace in Progress dedicated to violence in non-war settings. The publication coincides with the release of the new digital version of the magazine, a completely revamped platform with a new design that makes it easier to consult all the issues published so far. This latest […]

Barcelona hosts a meeting of the working groups supporting the Colombian Truth Commission in Europe

Representatives of the different European working groups (‘nodos’ in Spanish) supporting the Truth Commission in Colombia have participated in a meeting from April 7 to 10 at the UNESCO House in Barcelona. The meeting, convened by the ICIP as Technical Secretariat of the Commission in Europe, brought together around fifty representatives from the ‘nodos’ of […]

Reclaiming universal jurisdiction

Some human rights violations are so atrocious that they affect us all, no matter who the victims are, no matter who the perpetrators are. Their cruelty exceeds any acceptable justification and represents an attack on the very essence of shared humanity. They move or should move the entire international community.  That is why these gross […]

Reflections on the Russian invasion from a pacifist perspective

First of all, some caveats must be made when expressing opinions about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To begin with, the ongoing events and number of plot twists are so great that any thoughts run the risk of becoming outdated very quickly. Moreover, it is impossible to ignore the fact that experiencing a war on our continent […]