Another world is essential

All the people who gather in this Congress share the same goal: a future without armed conflicts, without violence; a future where people recognize diversity of origin and thought as a value and not a problem; where we can resolve our differences –which are both natural and necessary- in a constructive way. A world of […]

World Peace Congress concludes in Barcelona with successful participation

The World Peace Congress organised by the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) ended this Sunday in Barcelona after three days of conferences, workshops, and cultural events. Under the title “(Re)imagine the world. Action for peace and justice”, more than 2,600 people participated in this hybrid congress, with activities […]

Facing Violence: Stories of Resilience in Central America

Through photography and interviews, the exhibition is a journey through the many faces of violence that affect daily life in three Central American countries known as the Northern Triangle: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Extortions, rapes, kidnappings, murders and disappearances, and situations of poverty and social exclusion are part of the daily lives of a […]

ICIP launches the exhibition “Facing Violence: Stories of resilience in Central America”

On 15 October, coinciding with the celebration of the Second World Peace Congress, ICIP will launch the photo exhibition “Facing Violence: Stories of resilience in Central America“. The exhibition, created by the Ruido Photo group, will be on display for three days, until 18 October, at Plaça Joan Coromines in Barcelona. Through photography and interviews, […]

Ten years of peace in the Basque Country: The role of civil society

Within the framework of the Second World Peace Congress, which will take place in Barcelona on 15-17 October, ICIP, the Permanent Social Forum and Baketik will hold a workshop on the ten years of peace in the Basque Country and the role of civil society. The workshop will focus on the role that various civil […]

Women in the diaspora building peace

The role of diasporas as active actors in peace processes can be a significant element in the transformation of conflicts and contribute to reconciliation efforts in their countries of origin. Diasporas can support the establishment of a transitional justice system and enhance its findings with their own experiences and narratives. They can also contribute to the effective […]

Defending human rights, promoting peace

The work of human rights defenders is not only essential to protect fundamental rights and freedoms; it is also critical to improving societies and strengthening democracy. In addressing the systemic causes of conflict, they are agents of social transformation. However, despite their fundamental role for peace and justice, they constitute a group that is often […]

ICIP presents two songs composed by a group of victims of the Colombian conflict and singer-songwriter Marta Gómez

ICIP has released two songs composed by 120 victims who left Colombia because of the armed conflict, and the Colombian singer-songwriter based in Barcelona, Marta Gómez. This innovative initiative of citizen participation was promoted by the Truth Commission of Colombia. The proposal for this project came from the Catalunya Node, a meeting and coordination space for […]