Julienne Lusenge dedicates the ICIP Award to all the Congolese women who fight day after day for peace

Barcelona, 20 September 2021.-  This Monday afternoon, on the eve of the International Day of Peace, ICIP presented the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2020 to Congolese activist Julienne Lusenge in a ceremony at the Parliament of Catalonia.  Lusenge received the award “for her work in preventing and reducing sexual and gender-based violence, and for […]

Segon Congrés Mundial per la Pau

Second World Peace Congres From 15 to 17 October, Barcelona will host the Second World Peace Congress, a meeting of representatives and organizations of pacifism worldwide organized by the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the ICIP. With the title “(Re)imagine the world. Action for peace and justice”, the congress will have participants from 40 countries, […]

Peace House of Barcelona: Memory and legacy

On the occasion of the celebration of the World Peace Congress in Barcelona, ICIP, Lafede.cat and the Center for the Study of Dictatorships and Democracies (CEDID) have organized a preliminary conference to discuss the different stages of the Casal de la Pau and to highlight its role in the pacifism of today. The event will take […]

Presentation of the “Berracas” project

The presentation of “Berracas,” a documentary and project featuring the testimony of several women survivors of the armed conflict in Colombia, will take place at the Filmoteca de Catalunya on Thursday 7 October. Produced in collaboration with ICIP, the project recounts the stories of ten women from the department of Tolima who, through their narratives, […]

Should we talk to terrorists? Lessons from Afghanistan and other conflicts

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 reinforced the old dogma of not negotiating with terrorists.  Many countries introduced legislation that made even humanitarian contacts with organizations classified as such more difficult.  Twenty years later, this policy has not only proved ineffective but even counterproductive. Today, the international community is faced with the dilemma of recognizing […]

ICIP’s work receives unanimous support of the Parliament

Barcelona, 16 September 2021.- On Thursday afternoon, ICIP president and director, Xavier Masllorens and Kristian Herbolzheimer respectively, appeared before the Committee on External Action, Transparency and Cooperation of the Parliament of Catalonia to present the institution’s activity reports for the years 2019 and 2020. In his speech, the president highlighted ICIP’s distinctive profile, “with a […]

Barcelona will host the II World Peace Congress from 15-17 October

The International Peace Bureau and the ICIP are the Second World Peace Congress organisers. The event will be held in Barcelona from 15 to 17 October 2021. Under the title “(Re) imagine Our World. Action for Peace and Justice”, participants from 40 countries will attend this event with face-to-face activities, conferences and workshops, most of which will […]

Negotiating peace

The Taliban have won the war.  And now what?  Now it is time to negotiate.  This is certainly a complex task, fraught with moral and strategic dilemmas.  It is easier to start a war than to end it.  But right now, there are few alternatives available for one side or the other: multiple negotiations at […]

Afghanistan: A global shock

What has happened in Afghanistan is extraordinary.  It is infrequent for an insurgent movement, a guerrilla group, to win a war – even more so when the government forces have received unprecedented weapons and training.  All this investment has been lost in just a few days, and this collapse aggravates the drama of all the […]

The ICIP Library reopens to the public

The ICIP Library reopens to the public from this week after the summer holidays and the temporary closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. In this new season, the centre will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Therefore, at this time, users can renew or repay loans and consult […]