Report Presentation: “The Colombian Diaspora in Europe”

On Wednesday, 30 June, at 5.30 pm, ICIP is organizing the presentation of the new ICIP Report The Colombian Diaspora in Europe and its relationship with the Colombian armed conflict (in Spanish), by Anastasia Bermúdez Torres. The event will be broadcast through the ICIP YouTube channel. It will be a dialogue between the author and […]

Colombia and the resistance to change

Citizen marches, homicides and disappearances, plus political tension, reveal the new dimension of the conflict in Colombia: a conflict about change, where diverse demands and expectations converge and clash with the establishment that resists change. The 2016 Peace Agreement between the government and the FARC rebel group is a key reference point for this dispute.  […]

Global challenges in local peacebuilding

Arms trade, drugs and human trafficking, restrictive migration policies, extractivism, and trade policies… an important part of the violence in different Latin American territories are related to complex transnational phenomena. What would be the most urgent international transformations to create peaceful conditions at the local level? Luis Jorge Garay, PhD in Economics and a member of the […]

Documentary Launch: ‘Reescribiendo el exilo’

The ICIP and the Colombian Truth Commission will present next Saturday, June 5, the documentary ‘Reescribiendo el exilio’ (Rewriting the Exile), a film that intersects the stories of the sons and daughters of Colombian exiles who live in different European countries and who, as a consequence of the Colombian armed conflict, grew up – or […]


Opinion Sabina Puig Reclaiming universal jurisdiction Pablo Aguiar Reflections on the Russian invasion from a pacifist perspective Kristian Herbolzheimer How do we respond to Putin’s war? Kristian Herbolzheimer War in Ukraine: Peace Frameworks and Initiatives Sandra Martínez Security in times of war Kristian Herbolzheimer War games in Ukraine Kristian Herbolzheimer Another world is essential Kristian […]

ICIP promotes a dialogue workshop for influential young people linked to different political parties and civil society

A group of young people with responsibility in political parties and social organizations in Catalonia participated in a training workshop on organizational leadership skills promoted by ICIP. The goal of the workshop was to strengthen the skills of difficult but respectful dialogue. In total, they took part in four sessions, of four hours each, on […]

ICIP organizes workshops in Lleida to recognize the victims of the Colombian conflict exiled in Catalonia

The ICIP, in collaboration with the Nido Catalunya in support of the Colombian Truth Commission, has organized in Lleida, with the support of the City Council, a couple of workshops to promote the recognition of the victims of the Colombian conflict exiled in Catalonia. These workshops are a pilot test that will soon be extended […]

OPINION: Colombia and the resistance to change

Citizen marches, homicides and disappearances, plus political tension, reveal the new dimension of the conflict in Colombia: a conflict about change, where diverse demands and expectations converge and clash with the establishment that resists change. The 2016 Peace Agreement between the government and the FARC rebel group is a key reference point for this dispute.  […]

Book presentation: “Rivalidad y venganza”, by Laia Balcells

The ICIP and the Programme for the Study of Violence of the CIDE (Center for Economic Research and Teaching of Mexico) organise the book presentation Rivalidad y venganza. La política de la violencia en las guerras civiles by Laia Balcells, a political scientist and currently a professor at Georgetown University (USA). The title is part […]

Participatory democracy, social movements and nonviolent resistance

Collective awareness for social transformation is emerging as a key element to disavow the use of violence. How can we move towards strengthening a cohesive social fabric? Can the discourse of peace articulate agendas of different social struggles, sometimes even fragmented? What do the experiences of nonviolent resistance in defence against structural violence teach us? […]