
Surveys on Coexistence, Security and Polarization Studying coexistence, security, and polarization is crucial to understanding social dynamics. ICIP identifies the underlying causes of conflicts, citizens’ perceptions of security and the factors contributing to polarization. To this end, we have been conducting a series of citizen surveys since 2018, which have allowed us to deepen our […]

Polarization analysis

Polarization Analysis Democratic societies are immersed in a growing process of politicization. Political mobilization around highly divisive issues has led to questions about the fundamental pillars of our political systems and the polarization of our societies. Antagonistic ideological projects are currently generating a growing confrontation in societies that see new gaps appear due to identity, […]

Social and political dialogue

Social and Political Dialogue Conflicts are part of human nature. When managed constructively, they contribute to social progress. If they are not recognized and treated in time, they can affect social coexistence and, in extreme cases, escalate to a scene of violence. When a sector of the population denies legitimacy and advocates the elimination of […]

Complementary activities

Complementary Activities Throughout the year, ICIP organizes small-format reflection activities, such as gatherings and analysis sessions, for a specialized public, which allows them to delve deeper into the issues raised. These are the activities focused on building peace in Central America. Challenges and opportunities for peace in Central America On February 12, 2024, the ICIP […]

Understanding violence

Understanding Violence What violence are we talking about when we refer to “violence in non-war settings”? How do we describe it? How do we qualify it? How do we analyze it? And what proposals can we make from a peacebuilding perspective? Over the last few years, ICIP has investigated this issue collaboratively, engaging in analysis […]

Enforced disappearance

Enforced Disappearance Enforced disappearances constitute a cluster of serious human rights violations with an enormous impact not only on the people directly affected but also on the community and social sphere. In some countries, its practice is so widespread that it has become a real challenge for coexistence and reconciliation. Even though states have a […]

Peacebuilding in Mexico

Peacebuilding in Mexico Mexico is a formally democratic, middle-high-income country. There has been no internal armed conflict recognized as such since the confrontations thirty years ago between the EZLN and the country’s government. Even so, there are more than 200 armed groups, tens of thousands of missing people and more than 30,000 violent deaths per […]

Peacebuilding in Central America

Peacebuilding in Central America Central America is a region that, after the peace agreements and democratization processes of the 1990s, has not experienced an armed conflict recognized as such. However, cities and territories in El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala have for many years topped the global rankings of homicides and violence. To the security, crises […]

Complementary activities

Complementary Activities Throughout the year, the ICIP organizes small-format reflection activities, such as gatherings and analysis sessions, for a specialized public, which allows them to delve deeper into the issues raised. These are the activities focused on peacebuilding  in Mexico. Indigenous resistance to organized crime and megaprojects On October 18, 2023, together with the Taula […]

Violence in non-war settings

Violence in Non-war Settings For some years now, and despite the outbreak of new wars, the number of violent deaths in situations “outside of war contexts” exceeds the number of fatalities in armed conflicts. However, these are situations that receive relatively little international attention. Homicides are undoubtedly the most visible expression of a wide range […]

Iris Gur

Combatants for Peace va néixer el 2006 amb l’objectiu de posar fi a l’ocupació i l’opressió israeliana de Palestina i assolir la pau. És una associació binacional formada per persones israelianes exmembres de l’exèrcit d’Israel i excombatents palestines. Iris Gur va començar a participar-hi el 2017, quan la seva filla petita es va negar a […]