Extraordinary mechanisms for extraordinary violences

The volume and systematization of violences, the characteristics of the perpetrators and their relationship with public institutions and impunity are some of the factors that point to the need for extraordinary measures to ensure justice, truth and reparation. In these contexts of high-intensity chronic violences, would it be advisable to implement transitional justice processes as […]

ICIP initiates actions in recognition of the victims of the Colombian conflict exiled in Catalonia

ICIP, together with the Catalonia node in support of the Colombian Truth Commission, has initiated actions to recognize the victims of the Colombian conflict exiled in Catalonia on the part of various Catalan institutions and social actors. The process of recognition of the victims is one of the tasks carried out by ICIP as Technical Secretariat […]

Dialogue, negotiation and mediation with violent actors

In violent contexts involving various actors, which parties should engage in dialogue? Are negotiations with violent actors such as organized crime syndicates legitimate, or even useful? Who can coordinate mediation processes and with what methodology? These questions will be the focus of the discussion with Achim Wennmann, PhD in International Relations and Senior Researcher at the […]

Book presentation: “The Frontlines of Peace”, by Séverine Autesserre

The ICIP and GLOBALCODES organize an online discussion with Séverine Autesserre, Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University, about her new book The Frontlines of Peace. An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World. The event will take place on Friday 30 April at 5 pm (CET) and it will count with the participation […]

Farewell, Arcadi

The ICIP team and Governing Board express our most sincere condolences for the loss of our friend Arcadi Oliveres, mentor and undisputed leader for the entire pacifist movement in Catalonia. Arcadi was with us from the establishment of ICIP in 2009. And even before then, since he was one of the promoters of the creation […]

Justice and transformation of violent conflicts

A punitive and heavy-handed culture is not succeeding in significantly reducing violence associated with crime, nor is it meeting the needs of its victims. However, other models of justice with a more communitarian and restorative approach are giving rise to experiences of transformation of conflictive situations. How do these experiences work in contexts that are […]

Gender-based violence, bullying and racism, main topics of the winning entries in the Fifth Hip Hop for Peace Contest

The jury of the fifth edition of the ICIP Hip Hop for Peace Contest has announced the winners for 2020. This contest aims to promote creativity and draw attention to the commitment of young people in the field of peace.  In this edition, the award-winning entries address gender-based violence, bullying and racism, and include messages […]