Seminar series: “Tackling violence through peacebuilding”

Building peace in a context marked by war basically involves ending armed hostilities, safeguarding people’s security, bringing to justice those responsible for the most serious crimes, making reparations to the victims and rebuilding the social fabric with measures that encourage reconciliation and promote social coexistence without collective amnesia, exclusion or distrust. It also involves creating conditions […]

New materials on feminist security: magazine, online session and graphic summary

ICIP has published on February a new issue of Peace in Progress e-magazine “Redirecting security from Feminism” with the aim of  highlight the contributions of feminism to the definition of a new security model. This monograph includes seven articles in depth by Nora Miralles, journalist and researcher at Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau; Marissa Conway, cofounder of the […]

Security policies for Peacebuilding

In deeply marked by violence and insecurity contexts, peacebuilding must necessarily incorporate security policies. What kind of security model can we advocate for from a pacifist perspective? How can we avoid securitization of peace? Is it possible to imagine security forces that actually perform as peacebuilders? Geoff Thale, president of the Washington Office on Latin […]

Conceptualizing a Peace Agenda in the midst of chronic violence

Peace is a very subjective, dynamic and plural concept. How can you move forward to a shared idea of peace in those scenarios where multiple dynamics of violence overlap intensely – be it physical, cultural or structural violence-, and in which insecurities are due to very different reasons? Which should the basic contents be for […]

Web Map

Mapa web ICIP Who we are The team Governing Board Organization chart Contractor profile Employment opportunities Memories Regulation Fields of work Memory, coexistence and reconciliation Violences outside war context Social and political dialogue Alternatives to security What we do Peace in Progess Award Exhibitions Publications Magazine per la Pau Book collections Research publications ICIP Policy […]

ICIP Hip-hop Award for Peace

Hip-hop for Peace Contest The ICIP Hip-hop for Peace Contest aims to give visibility to the commitment and creativity of young people in the field of culture of peace. It is aimed at girls and boys from Catalonia interested in reflecting on peace, non-violence and human rights through music. The contest has two modalities: […]

Prize ICIP Alfons Banda

Prize ICIP Alfons Banda The ICIP Alfons Banda Award aims to reward the work of students in the second cycle of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and post-compulsory education (baccalaureate and intermediate and higher-level training cycles) that promote the analysis and obtaining of results in the theoretical field of the construction of a culture of peace […]

Last update: 07/07/2023