Library services

Services The subjects in which the library specializes are: human security, disarmament, the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts and social tensions, the strengthening and rooting of peace and coexistence, the construction of peace and the defense of human rights. Who can be a user? The library’s holdings are open to anyone interested in the […]

Working Papers

ICIP Working Papers The ICIP aims to create an open forum for topics related to peace, conflict and security. The objective is to inspire discussion and debate in contemplating the dilemmas we currently face. The contemporary problems to be looked at can range form theoretical predicaments, to difficulties with research, peacekeeping and conflict resolution. With […]

Nonviolence and the Struggle for Freedom

Nonviolence and the Struggle for Freedom The Nonviolence and the Struggle for Freedom series aims to make available to society, academia and public administrations instruments of reflection and action that demonstrate that nonviolence is desirable, viable and effective. This collection is published in Catalan. Una teoria de l’acció noviolenta Stellan Vinthagen Orígens i evolució del […]

Peace and Security

Peace and Security Collection Peace and Security is aimed at experts, professionals, practitioners and academics who work on the fields of peace, security and conflict resolution and transformation, especially for those who work in Latin America. This collection is published in Spanish. ETA: el desenlace. La paz esquiva en el País Vasco Teresa Whitfield La […]