Cori Crider

Cori Crider és advocada i activista nord-americana, cofundadora de Foxglove, una ONG que vetlla per una tecnologia justa. Grans corporacions (com Facebook, Meta o Amazon) i governs estan en el seu punt de mira per la vulneració de drets laborals, l’ús de dades personals o l’accés a la informació. Abans, Crider, amb gran experiència en […]

Mustafa Barghouti

El diputat i cofundador del partit Iniciativa Nacional Palestina opina que la causa palestina és un catalitzador de la lluita contra les injustícies del sistema en què vivim. Ell, que ha patit detencions i repressió per part de l’Exèrcit israelià, confia que el jovent finalment ha pres consciència. Més enllà de l’activitat política, Barghouti, una […]

Mediterranian women weaving resiliency

Mediterranian women weaving resiliency: The value of Peace From 16 to 20 September 2024, women originally from Palestine, Syria and Lebanon will meet for one week at Faberllull to reflect on peace, based on their personal experiences. They are women with backgrounds in art, academia or journalism, Some of them live in the Middle East and others […]

Rita Segato

Rita Segato és antropòloga, escriptora i activista feminista, experta en l’estudi de la violència de gènere, i professora de bioètica de la Càtedra UNESCO de la Universitat de Brasilia. Segato ha centrat les seves investigacions en la violència de gènere i a la relació existent entre el gènere, el racisme i el colonialisme. Convertida en […]

The ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2024 Ceremony

On Thursday, September 19, the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2024 ceremony will be held at the Parliament of Catalonia, coinciding with the celebration of Peace Day. In this edition, the award recognises the researcher and activist Vicenç Fisas Armengol “for his extensive and sustained career in the field of research and activism for peace […]

ICIP publishes a manual with feminist proposals for public security to manage inequalities in a comprehensive manner

ICIP has published a manual that compiles proposals and case studies to incorporate the intersectional feminist perspective into local security and prevention policies.  The book is entitled Interseccionalitat i polítiques locals de seguretat: un diàleg possible (Intersectionality and local security policies: A possible dialogue), and it was written by Gerard Coll-Planas, Marina Garcia-Castillo and Gloria […]

Mediterranian women weaving resiliency: The value of Peace

Women originally from Palestine, Syria and Lebanon will meet for one week at Faberllull to reflect on Peace, based on their personal experiences. They are women with backgrounds in art, academia, journalism, etc. Some of them live in the Middle East and others now live in Europe and some, in Catalonia. They are different ages […]

Conference “Human Rights and Peace in Central America: Challenges and Opportunities

The new Taula Catalana pels Drets Humans i la Pau a l’Amèrica Central (Catalana Coordinating Group for Human Rights and Peace in Central America), created by nineteen organizations – and the ICIP are organizing the conference “Human Rights and Peace in Central America: Challenges and opportunities” on June 18 and 19 at the Barcelona History […]

Vicenç Fisas, ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2024

The ICIP Governing Board has honoured the researcher and activist Vicenç Fisas i Armengol with the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2024 “for his extensive and sustained career in the field of research and activism for peace and human rights, and conflict mediation and analysis.”  The nomination stood out from the twenty-odd applications received from […]

Launch of Taula Catalana Coordinating Group for Human Rights and Peace in Central America to strengthen dialogue and solidarity in the face of human rights violations in the region

Nineteen non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs) have joined to form the new Taula Catalana pels Drets Humans i la Pau a l’Amèrica Central (Catalana Coordinating Group for Human Rights and Peace in Central America). This platform aims to strengthen dialogue and Catalonia’s response to the violence and human rights crises in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and […]