Peace organizations and 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureates meet at the Parliament’s Conference on Peace

On Monday, 30 January, the Parliament of Catalonia’s First Conference on Peace brought together the peace movement organizations of Catalonia and representatives of the organizations awarded the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.  The objective of this event, co-organized by ICIP and, was to reflect on the role of civil society in the context of the […]

Human rights and democracy for peace

Today, 15 February 2023, marks the twentieth anniversary of the huge demonstrations against the war in Iraq. Never before had so many people protested in the streets of Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona. The pacifist citizen protests made President George Bush nervous: he stated that “the security policy of the United States cannot depend on whether there […]

Disappearances in Mexico: Ricardo, Antonio and a list with no end

On 15 January, near the municipality of Tecomán, in the Mexican state of Colima, the van of lawyer Ricardo Lagunes was found damaged and with bullet holes.  hat afternoon, Lagunes had been traveling with Antonio Díaz, a teacher and human rights defender, and a member of the Indigenous community of San Miguel de Aquila. No one […]

Presentation of the book “An alternative security framework”

On Wednesday, February 8, at 12.30 p.m., a new presentation of the book An alternative security framework will take place, this time for an English-speaking audience. It will be an online event organized by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), of which ICIP is a member, and will feature the initial intervention of one of […]

Representatives of the three initiatives awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2022 visit Barcelona and Madrid

On 30-31 January, representatives of the three Nobel Peace Prize 2022 initiatives will visit Barcelona and Madrid in a delegation organized by ICIP and NOVACT. The delegation will consist of Oleksandra Romantsova, executive director of the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine); Natallia Satsunkevich, member of the Interim Board of the Viasna Human Rights Center (Belarus); […]

Acteal, a beehive of memory and hope

Twenty-five years ago, on 22 December 1997, 45 people were brutally murdered in the small community of Acteal, municipality of Chenalhó, in the Chiapas Highlands of Mexico. Among the victims were children, women and unarmed men. They belonged to Las Abejas de Acteal (The Bees of Acteal), a pacifist civil society organization working for peace […]