Organized by ICIP in collaboration with Clack Video Productions, the first session of the series of discussions Basque Country: Five Years Without ETA Violence took place on Tuesday 8 November at the Association of Journalists of Catalonia. This first discussion, entitled From Confrontation to Coexistence: The Basque Country Today featured Xabier Etxeberria, Professor of Ethics at the University of Deusto, and Maider Martiarena, member of Bakeola – Coexistence, Conflict and Human Rights.
The discussion, moderated by ICIP president Xavier Masllorens, was based on reflections regarding the degree of coexistence within Basque society now that five years have gone by since ETA lay down their weapons. In this respect, the two speakers noted progress, but also outstanding challenges: “Our coexistence is imperfect; in the Basque Country there is a significant albeit insufficient level of normalization. Fear and indifference are still widespread among us,” according to Xabier Etxeberria. A statement shared by Maider Martiarena, for whom the Basque Country still needs “an awakening of the majority”: “Coexistence is the first step forward in a divided society; many emotions must be worked through. Before we saw each other, but we didn’t look at each other; and it is important to make an effort to look each other in the eye.”
Throughout the discussion, many of the initiatives that have been undertaken in recent years to promote coexistence and reconciliation between the opposing parties during the armed conflict were brought up; initiatives such as the restorative encounters between perpetrators and victims of ETA, or the work done among victims of both sides – of ETA and GAL – which has demonstrated, according to Etxeberria, that “all the victims belong to us and they have all had similar experiences, even though they feel in conflict with each other.” In terms of reconciliation, Maider Martiarena stressed the importance of working from personal experience: “There is no better way to understand the conflict than from a victim telling you about their case.” Martiarena also highlighted the need to work on the Basque conflict with young people so that memory won’t be lost.
The series Basque Country: Five Years Without ETA Violence will continue on Tuesday 15 November with the discussion Reconciliation between Sabino Ormazabal, author of the Report on Human Rights Violations in Errenteria, and Juan María Uriarte, Bishop Emeritus of San Sebastián and author of the book Reconciliation (published by Sal Terrae, 2013). Finally, the discussion The Construction of Historical Memory between journalists Martxelo Otamendi, director of the newspaper Berria, and Gorka Landaburu, of Cambio 16 magazine, will take place on Tuesday 22 November.
