On Wednesday 9 October, the plenary of the Parliament appointed four new members to the ICIP Board of Governors from the eight candidates presented by the Catalan Council for the Promotion of Peace.
As a result, Gemma Casal, anthropologist and lecturer at the University of Lleida, and Marco Aparicio, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Girona, have joined ICIP’s governing body for the first time. In addition, journalist Carme Colomina renewed her mandate and lawyer Magda Oranich will continue as a Board member, in this case replacing Vicent Martínez Guzmán, who passed away in August 2018. The election of the four new members was approved, by electronic and secret ballot, with 91 votes in favor, 35 against and four abstentions.
With this renewal of the ICIP Governing Board, Antoni Pigrau, professor of Public International Law at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, ends his term.
The Governing Board, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of Law 4/2007, consists of ten members: seven elected by the Parliament of Catalonia and three appointed by the Catalan Government.
Composition of the Governing Board
