Policy Papers
The ICIP Policy Paper series aims to provide a forum for analysis of important policy issues in the field of peace and security. The series is designed to identify key policy issues, explore implications for the design and conduct of these policies, and to recommend improvements, thereby serving as an impetus for action.
The right to live in a context of human rights, peace and development. A debate within the Human Rights Council.
Christian Guillermet Frenández and David Fernández Puyana
Le droit de vivre dans un contexte des droits humains, paix et développement. Un Débat dans le Conseil des Droits Humains
Christian Guillermet Frenández and David Fernández Puyana
Historical memory in Colombia. Towards a public policy from a gender perspective
Marta Grau Repullo
History teaching and peace education in a time of crisis: how can we build a shared future based on dialogue and peace?
Gemma Tribó Traveria
The role of the African Union in Somalia: where to go from here with the AMISOM peace operation?
Neus Ramis Seguí
War, politics and peacebuilding: thoughts and practical guidelines derived from ancient times.
Daniel Gómez, Toni Ñaco and Jordi Principal
2013: a unique opportunity for the Arms Trade Treaty.
Javier Alcalde Villacampa
Regional conflict over water in Central Asia. A new model of decentralised energy relations.
Mar Campins Eritja and Aurèlia Mañé Estrada
Front-runner or lame duck? 10 years on from the EU Programme for Conflict Prevention
Julia Schünemann
Strategies to redimension the relationship between the EU and the ICC after Kampala
Claudia Jimenez Cortés, Montserrat Pi Llorens and Esther Zapater Duque
How to make criminal accountability of UN officials and experts on mission more effective?
Xavier Pons Rafols
Building peace and development in Côte d’Ivoire: national decisions, shared duties and responsibilities
Albert Caramés and Rafael Grasa
Construire la paix et le développement en Côte d’Ivoire : décisions nationales, responsabilités et devoirs partagés (versió en Francès)
Albert Caramés et Rafael Grasa