Jean-Marie Muller. Entrar en l’època de la noviolència. Barcelona: Institut Català Internacional per la Pau; Líniazero, 2015.
Entrar en l’època de la noviolència (“Entering the age of nonviolence”) discusses the urgent need to break apart from the ideology of “necessary violence”, which is the structural basis of our societies. The notion of nonviolence that the author proposes does not avoid conflict or struggle; on the contrary, nonviolence generates outraged action and resistance. In this sense, nonviolence, as a philosophy and strategy, allows for “moral demand and political realism to reconcile”.
About the author
Jean-Marie Muller is member and founder of the Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN) and director of studies at the Institut de Recherche sur la Résolution Non-violente des Conflits (IRNC). As a writer, he has published several books on nonviolence which have been regarded as reference books, such as Le principe de nonviolence (Desclée de Brouwer), Gandhi l’insurgé (Albin Michel) and Le courage de la non-violence (Éditions du Relié).